"Who Is Responseble For The Identity Theft?"

Many People have their own Credit Card and we must care and protect it to avoid any incident in our card But some of them have been experience troubles in their credit cards Because they easily trust transactions without asking the Company if the transactions is true. The consumer blamed the company also the company blamed the consumer and Both of them blamed the Government.

Under the current Laws most responsible from the Identity Theft is the Holder/Consumers. The consumer is the one Who is responsible to Care and Protect their Credit Cards. Consumer need to change their behavior to easily Trust any transactions in their credit cards Because only the consumer can avoid this problem and the Law is the only giving a punishment for the Identity Theft.

The appropriate punishment for the Identity Theft is to put them to Jail to make them realize of what they have done, and to give them a chance to change their attitude and live for a new Life. Also we can easily detect the Thieves in other place through Internet.

To avoid of this particular incident we must always aware for the happenings and do not easily trust any transactions in your Credit cards, you must ask first the Company if it is true.



November 19, 2009 at 4:01 AM

Wahhh!!!! bangaa mu buhat ug blog uiew!!!