PicLyf #24

, ' nagbuhat sa SAD. . walang tulogan. . na feel njud nko nga comscie koh!. . haha


I choose this poster campaign against the " SOFTWARE PIRACY". And we all know that in this generation it is the most common problem of some company. Many people doing this piracy, they copying the data, information, or the program of the private computer of the company. There are many ways how to copy the program but we choose flash drive"USB" because it is the very easy, fast and the very common to all.
After they copying the program they sale or spread the information to the another person. And we all know that it is not right, so! we need to give punishment of those person who doing this and the right punishment for them is to put them in the jail to make them realize of what they have done.

Digital Villages

About fifteen years ago Helge V. Keitel started to plan for a new business venture were digital communication and new technology would play a central role.


Biotouch discusses biotechnology and microbiology.
The forestry industry has begun a painful restructuring process, providing opportunities for international investors. Breakthroughs in our understanding of how people read, communicate, socialize, learn, and how the world works in the future are needed. What is going to be the impact of Internet and social media on printing, book publishing, and advertising? Please enjoy the journey to view parts of Digital Villages, our networking friends and partners.
The new Biotouch project started last year of May 2008.

Digital Villages is a social collaboration testing environment. Online shoppers use more time comparing prices on Internet to find cheaper products and services. They aren't automatically hopping in the car and searching the aisles of a local stores. Bargains are googled and searched on a global scale. E-tailers have a prime opportunity to make the most of the droves of shoppers desperate to find a deal online. Tactics suggested by industry watchers include special — and creative — promotions, e-mail marketing, free shipping, basic product page optimization, alternative payment methods and better customer service. Today’s economy is not about new products and services. It’s about referrals, getting people aware of what you're offering.

"Who Is Responseble For The Identity Theft?"

Many People have their own Credit Card and we must care and protect it to avoid any incident in our card But some of them have been experience troubles in their credit cards Because they easily trust transactions without asking the Company if the transactions is true. The consumer blamed the company also the company blamed the consumer and Both of them blamed the Government.

Under the current Laws most responsible from the Identity Theft is the Holder/Consumers. The consumer is the one Who is responsible to Care and Protect their Credit Cards. Consumer need to change their behavior to easily Trust any transactions in their credit cards Because only the consumer can avoid this problem and the Law is the only giving a punishment for the Identity Theft.

The appropriate punishment for the Identity Theft is to put them to Jail to make them realize of what they have done, and to give them a chance to change their attitude and live for a new Life. Also we can easily detect the Thieves in other place through Internet.

To avoid of this particular incident we must always aware for the happenings and do not easily trust any transactions in your Credit cards, you must ask first the Company if it is true.